If you would like to support us become a member of our association.
Become an Adigrat Vision Member!
For € 15 / € 30 / € 60 / or ? per Year!
With a monthly contribution of € 22, you finance a child from Adigrat's daily visit to the kindergarten, including a kindergarten uniform, two meals and pedagogical care.
A sponsorship runs for at least one year; it is extended by your annual consent!
Help a child by sponsoring a child with one click!
More information under
Make a one-off voluntary contribution
Adigrat Vision e.V.
IBAN DE90 700 202 700 665943097
You will receive a receipt for your charitable donation.
100% of the money collected goes directly to the project. No administration costs are deducted. All Adigrat Vision e.V. employees are volunteers.
You can also inform yourself about the project’s progress without any obligation. Please provide us with your email address to receive information on the project.
Any other ideas about supporting this project are also most welcome. Please contact us!
Thank you for your interest!